


This elephant my family friends got me when they were in India, I was still a baby but my parents had told them about my elephant collection

This elephant trinket is made out of Ivory. This is from Sri Lanka when my parents went and visited an elephant rehabilitation sanctuary.

This elephant is a lock with a key attached to it. I got it from a festival in Dubai called the Global Market

Surprise! It's a salt shaker! I got it from India as well.

These two are from Sri Lanka and they were given to me as a gift for my sixth birthday

From Europe, this elephant is very tiny and made out of stone. It has not been apart of my collection that long.

Though this just looks like a weirdly shaped elephant made out of ceramic, it actually came with tea in it from Sri Lanka.

My brother while in Morocco found this little guy burried in the sand on the beach while he was on a school trip. He found it with the missing trunk which made it more special.

This elephant is made out of stone and was given to my parents when I was still a baby. It was one of the first addition of my collection.

Thought this elephant looks odd, it's acutally a themometer, you set it outside and it'll tell you what temprature it is in farenheit and celcius. It's from Sri Lanka as well.

Made from one block of wood, this elephant is from South Africa and is just a statue, nothing super special about it.

You can't see but this elephant is missing part of it's ear from when I dropped it when I was younger. It's made fully out of glass and is from Sri Lanka.

This tiny box is made out of metal and is very tiny despite the picture. I don't remember where it's from but it was also one of the first additions to my collection.

This elephant is from India and is painted wood. It came in a set but I lost the other ones.